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- The Decalogue of the Villa1. Total disinfection.All Grandes Villas-Diobca staff have been provided with the appropiate security measures (masks, gloves, hand sanitizing liquid ...). The villas are fully disinfected using quality disinfecting products. Disinfection products authorized and advised by the Health Authorities against COVID-19.2. Use of ozone cannons.What is Ozone O3?According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is the most effective and fastest natural disinfectant known to eliminate...

Dear client,Due to the current situation with Corona Virus, we are forced to take unexpected measures.  The Authorities are taking drastic measures that include the temporary closure of shops and premises.The phone line +34 958610649 will be temporarily or intermittently offline. We kindly ask to email us for any further information: [email protected] opening hours are from 10am to 2pm and from 3pm to 7pm, Monday to Saturday.Yours sincerely, Grandes Villas Team____________________________________________________________________________________________Estimado...


In Tabernas, the only desert in Europe, we can find an authentic Western Theme Park with live shows, a huge zoological reserve, aquatic zone and a large range of restaurants, educational activities and events.The place that was set for different European Western such as For a Few Dollars More, has now become a theme park where you can see representations of typical Western scenes, can can dances, even take a swim in the aquatic zone. What was the West fighting place, is used nowadays as a swimming...


Dear visitor, I hope you have heard about the Spanish tortilla and if not start to lick your lips. It’s a kind of French omelette, but stuffed with potatoes and onions. If you want to eat a typical Spanish dish and easy to make, read carefully how to make it:You are going to need: eggs, potatoes, onions and oil (I would recommend olive oil). The first thing to do is frying in a pan the potatoes until they are browned. Afterwards we add the onions just around 3 or 4 minutes until they are browned...


Die Zuckerfabrik von Nuestra Señora del Pilar in MotrilDiese Zuckerfabrik gilt als bestes Beispiel für den Industrietechniker des 19. Jahrhunderts, da sie der größte Exponent der Industrialisierung im Guadalfeo-Tal ist, einem Gebiet mit der höchsten Dampfmaschinen Konzentration und Produktions in Europa.Diese Fabrik befindet sich auf der Flussebene von Motril-Salobreña und ist das Symbol der historischen Raffinerie in Motril und der gesamten Costa Tropical. Heutzutage befindet es sich in der...


The sugar refinery Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Motril This sugar refinery is considered as the best example of the XIX century industrial engeneer, because it is the greatest exponent of industrialization in the Guadalfeo valley, an area which has the most concentration of manufacturing and steam engines of Europe. This factory is located in the meadow of Motril- Salobreña and it is the symbol of the historical refinery in Motril and of the whole Costa Tropical. Nowadays it is located...


Lunch and dinner time in Spain: why Spaniards eat so late?Usually in the Centre and North European countries, their citizens have the lunch around 12 in the noon and the dinner between 5 and 7 pm. This fact doesn’t happen in Spain. The lunch takes place between 2-3:30 pm and the dinner between 9-10 pm, even much later during the summer. Why does it happen in Spain and in the rest of the European countries don’t? Until 1942 Spain had the Greenwich Mean Time, but since then Spain changed...


Aufnahme von Exodus und Game of Thrones im Standort El Chorrillo in AlmeríaUngefähr 25 Kilometer von Almería neben der Wüste von Tabernas, liegt der Standort El Chorrillo, die Ihnen vieleicht an Szenarien von Exodus oder Game of Throneserinnern kann. Wenn Sie vieleicht Games of Thrones gesehen haben, errinern Sie sich vieleicht an der Stadt von den Dothrakis.Dieses Szenario besteht aus einen Dorf mit Lehmhäuser, mit viele Gassen wo sich die Szenen befinden, in der schauspieler wie Jorah...


The Spectacular Spanish Easter: a brief explanation about this wonderful celebration The Easter is one of the most important spring celebrations in Spain. It remembers the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It has a special way to be dramatized in Spain. It usually starts on the Palm Sunday, but other cities like Sevilla starts a couple of days before. It consists of a procession set up by guide cross, flanked by lanterns and followed by rows of Nazarenes or penitents with candles. Behind...


De Costa Tropical met zijn unieke kuststeden Salobreña, Almuñécar en La Herradura heeft een moderne infrastructuur en is gemakkelijk bereikbaar via de snelweg (meestal weinig verkeer).Malaga luchthavenIn het westen loopt de snelweg A7 langs de romantische kust van de Costa del Sol (provincie Málaga), die aanvankelijk vlak en toenemend bergachtig is naarmate u de nog ongerepte Costa Tropical nadert. Veel drukke toeristische plaatsen zoals Torre Del Mar, Torrox de la Costa en Nerja (Balkon van Europa)...


Уважаемые гости,Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, чтобы делать это, как многие птицы, и летать зимой на юг? Ну, по крайней мере, я хотел бы дать вам несколько веских причин, почему вы можете сделать именно это.Природа Costa Tropical процветает в «зимние» месяцы и весной. Перелетные...


Die Costa Tropical mit ihren einzigartigen Küstenstädten Salobreña, Almuñécar und La Herradura verfügt über eine moderne Infrastruktur und ist über die Autobahn (meist wenig Verkehr) bequem zu erreichen.Flughafen MálagaIm Westen verläuft die Autobahn A7 entlang der romantischen Küste der Costa del Sol (Provinz Málaga), die zunächst flach und dann immer bergiger ist, wenn Sie sich der noch unberührteren Costa Tropical nähern. Viele belebte Touristenorte wie z.B. Torre Del Mar, Torrox...

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