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Sehr geehrter Gast, Sie kennen vielleicht nicht eines der typischsten Gerichte der Provinz Granada, aber die Saubohnen mit Schinken sind ein Standard dieser Provinz. Es ist ein gesundes Gericht mit einer geringen Kalorienbelastung und da die Saubohnen ein Gemüse sind, enthält es Ballaststoffe, Vitamin B1, Folsäure, einen hohen Proteingehalt und viele Mineralien. Es ist ein Produkt, dessen Saison im Frühling ist, aber zum Glück können wir es das ganze Jahr über in Supermärkten gefroren...


Dear guest, the Secreto Ibérico is a really appreciated dish in Spain and trying to cook it during your stay is something you will not regret, it will surely be exquisite. It is a meat that can be barbecued or grilled.As a tip, say that the most important thing is that the piece that we are going to cook is at room temperature, as this will prevent the loss of juiciness. Before placing it on the griddle or the pan, we must make sure that it is very hot, otherwise, the resulting texture will be softened....

Dear guest, among the main shopping centers in Granada, the Neptuno Shopping Center stands out.It opened in 1993 on Arabial Street. It was one of the first shopping centers to open its doors in the province of Granada, raising great expectations, which meant that quickly many companies settled here and, also, many people from Granada who began to turn Neptune into the center for their purchases.Since then the society of Granada has evolved a lot, and the Neptuno Shopping Center as well. Granada has...

First of all, dear guest I would like to make it clear that nightclubs are those venues for dancing, parties and events that open at least frequently on weekends and, in addition, usually close their doors after 4 in the morning, officially speaking.After having made the explanation. These are the best discos in Granada:MAE WEST GRANADAPerhaps the best known and most emblematic commercial music club in Granada. With 4 spaces: Mae West, Molly Mallone, El Bribón de la Havana and a summer terrace. All...

Dear guest, I advise you during your stay in one of our luxurious villas to prepare a typical Andalusian dish with an incredible flavor. If you follow the following guidelines for its preparation, you will make an exquisite chivo a la pastoril. It is a typical dish of the towns in the interior of the province of Malaga.Ingredients• 1 kg of goat meat clean of bones and fat• 1⁄2 goat liver• 1 slice of seated leg bread• 4 cloves of garlic• 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil• 1 glass of white...


Dear guest, when you come to spend your holidays with us we guarantee you tranquility, comfort, relaxation and of course modern style houses. These houses have total comfort: private and heated swimming pool, Jacuzzi, ensuite rooms, fully equipped kitchens, living rooms with Smart TVs. All this to ensure total comfort and that you enjoy a few weeks of absolute relaxation.You will love some of our modern and avant-garde style houses, not only for having all the comforts, but also because in addition...


Dear guest, in a villa apart from loving to have a private pool, surely you also take into account that the villa has a jacuzzi. Some of our houses have that luxury.Dear guest, it is a luxury to have a private pool with seaview, but having a Jacuzzi with direct views of the sea is a relaxing luxury. I assure you that after having stayed in one of our houses with a private pool and jacuzzi, you will not want to leave!Being in a villa in an area that is totally quiet and having that kind of luxury makes...


Dear guest, surely you have heard about the extraordinary tropical fruits such as mango, avocado, custard apple or guava among others, which grow in the territory called Costa Tropical with an extraordinary climate. They are tropical fruits that are found in this area as the only place in Europe where they grow.Regarding the data on exports of this type of fruit in 2019, these data are extremely high. Thus, the commercialization of subtropical fruits has registered its best figure in history, having...

Dear guest, a typical sweet although with a high caloric load from the province of Granada is the pionono de Santa Fé. It is one of the oldest sweets in Spain and there are indications of the existence of a similar sweet in the Arab period.Its main characteristic is to have a cylindrical and somewhat plump appearance: it is a syrupy sponge cake rolled up on itself.Next I will give you the recipe for 15 units so that you can try to try at home the elaboration of this exquisite sweet:INGREDIENTSFOR...

Dear guest, when you visit the Spanish Costa Tropical you want to have a good access to our villas by car from the different airports (Granada and Malaga), not too much traffic, good parking places and an easy drive.The access from Malaga airport is really good taking the A-7 highway. The distance from Malaga to Salobreña is 100 km and you just take around an hour to get to Salobreña by car. It has been built the new highway A-7 just 7 years ago that connects Malaga to Almeria and you can drive...


Dear guest, the Alhambra is a monumental complex on an Andalusian palatial city located in Granada. It consists of a set of old palaces, gardens and fortress initially conceived to house the emir and the court of the Nasrid Kingdom, later as a Castilian royal residence and its representatives. It was on the list for the election of the new 7 Wonders of the World, but finally did not get that name.You can buy your tickets to the Alhambra through one of these 7 ways:1. By Internet, through the official...

Dear guest, if you visit us during the month of May, do not hesitate to visit Granada, since on May 3rd one of the most popular festivals in Andalusia takes place in Granada: the day of the Cross.This festival, which attracts thousands of visitors from all over Spain each year, has pagan and Christian origins.It seems that the first celebrations in Granada of the Day of the Cross as they are known today date from the XVII century.In 1625 an alabaster Cross was made in the San Lázaro neighborhood...

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