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Dear guest, the mango is an exquisite tropical fruit that is produced at the highest level on the Costa Tropical of Granada. They know a lot about this at "Mangos del Cielo", a family business from Motril that has been producing excellent quality mangoes for 25 years and which were pioneers in marketing their products through online shopping.Nowadays they also produce tropical fruits such as cherimoya, avocados ...Located in the heart of the Costa Tropical is the Finca el Portichuelo. This is how...


Querido huésped, cada comunidad autónoma tiene sus propias tradiciones, muchas de ellas centenarias y con recetas que han pasado de generación en generación. Éstas son algunas de ellas, así como los mejores restaurantes donde saborear los platos más exquisitos para estas Navidades.Sopa de picadillo (Andalucía)Nada mejor para empezar una comida o cena navideña que un entrante ligero y bien caliente. La sopa de picadillo es uno de los platos más típicos de Andalucía durante estas fechas,...


Dear guest, the twelve grapes or grapes of luck is the tradition of eating twelve grapes, one for each stroke, at 12 pm from December 31 (New Year's Eve) to January 1, because it supposedly brings good luck for the new year.There are several theories about the beginning of the tradition of eating twelve grapes on New Year's Eve in Spain, but two are the most powerful: the first theory says that the tradition of eating the 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve was originated in 1909, due to an excess...


Paella emerged in the rural areas of Valencia between the 15th and 16th centuries, due to the need of peasants and shepherds for an easy meal to prepare and with the ingredients they had on hand in the field. In its origins the ingredients of the paella were, poultries, the field rabbit or hare, the fresh vegetables that were available, rice, saffron and olive oil that were mixed in the paella with the water.It is possible that 'paella' is an Arabic word because rice was brought to Spain by the páramos...


Dear guest, when you come to the Costa Tropical you obviously want to try dishes with explosive flavors. Shrimp-stuffed avocados won't disappoint. It is a tropical dish, tasty with an explosive mix of flavors that will make you try to cook this dish more than once, I assure you that. Let's go with the recipe:Ingredients for 4 people• 4 ripe avocados• 20 frozen prawns• ½ grapefruit, peeled and cut into wedges• 5 onions in vinegar• 4 sticks of surimi• 100 g of arugula leaves• Salt and...


Dear guest, Restaurante El Peñón was founded in 1954, when fishermen from Salobreña and La Caleta fished near the beach with small boats and sold fish on the same shore.When they finished they made some skewers on the beach to eat, and that was when the owner came up with the idea of ​​setting up a small "chambao", that is, the summer closing system, partial or total, of a terrace, patio or any other type of enclosure normally open and exposed to the excessive hot sun of the region, to sell...


Dear guest, the Quisquillas of Motril is part of the culture of this area. It is a product with a designation of origin, and an extraordinary quality. Next I will show you how to cook it so that it comes out exquisite.Ingredients•    Salt•    1 bay leaf•    Water•    IcePreparation1. In a pot, heat abundant water and the bay leaf over the fire.2. While the water starts to boil we are going to prepare a bowl with water and salt. We stir until the complete...

Dear guest, one of the best resaturants because of its location and its food in the Costa Tropical is Tito Yayo, located in a natural setting of the town of Almuñécar on the Costa Tropical of Granada, where you can enjoy the best Mediterranean cuisine close to the sea. Surrounded by greenery, the restaurant has a beautiful terrace where its freshness in the hottest days makes its cuisine an unforgettable pleasure.The best food of this restaurant is the fish, which is fresh. They have it daily with...


Sehr geehrter Gast, Sie kennen vielleicht nicht eines der typischsten Gerichte der Provinz Granada, aber die Saubohnen mit Schinken sind ein Standard dieser Provinz. Es ist ein gesundes Gericht mit einer geringen Kalorienbelastung und da die Saubohnen ein Gemüse sind, enthält es Ballaststoffe, Vitamin B1, Folsäure, einen hohen Proteingehalt und viele Mineralien. Es ist ein Produkt, dessen Saison im Frühling ist, aber zum Glück können wir es das ganze Jahr über in Supermärkten gefroren...


Dear guest, the Secreto Ibérico is a really appreciated dish in Spain and trying to cook it during your stay is something you will not regret, it will surely be exquisite. It is a meat that can be barbecued or grilled.As a tip, say that the most important thing is that the piece that we are going to cook is at room temperature, as this will prevent the loss of juiciness. Before placing it on the griddle or the pan, we must make sure that it is very hot, otherwise, the resulting texture will be softened....

Dear guest, I advise you during your stay in one of our luxurious villas to prepare a typical Andalusian dish with an incredible flavor. If you follow the following guidelines for its preparation, you will make an exquisite chivo a la pastoril. It is a typical dish of the towns in the interior of the province of Malaga.Ingredients• 1 kg of goat meat clean of bones and fat• 1⁄2 goat liver• 1 slice of seated leg bread• 4 cloves of garlic• 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil• 1 glass of white...


Dear guest, surely you have heard about the extraordinary tropical fruits such as mango, avocado, custard apple or guava among others, which grow in the territory called Costa Tropical with an extraordinary climate. They are tropical fruits that are found in this area as the only place in Europe where they grow.Regarding the data on exports of this type of fruit in 2019, these data are extremely high. Thus, the commercialization of subtropical fruits has registered its best figure in history, having...

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