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Dear guest, the route Haza del Lino is one of the best known and most frequented routes by bikers and cyclists. This route has numerous curves and spectacular views of the coast (including Africa).The route runs from Granada to Haza del Lino, it is about 88 km long and the maximum height reached is 1300 meters.The route starts from Granada towards Motril on the A-44 highway. After passing the Beznar reservoir, take the Lanjarón - Alpujarras diversion, leaving the highway to take the A-348 regional...


Dear guest, Almería Airport is a Spanish Aena airport that is located in the southeast of Spain, in the Region of Andalusia about 9 km east of the city of Almería. The airport is close to the main tourist centers of the province such as Almería, the Cabo de Gata - Níjar Natural Park, El Ejido, Mojácar, Almerimar Roquetas de Mar, Vera. Since 2020 it has been known as the Antonio de Torres airport, as tribute to the luthier from Almería considered the father of the guitar.Almería International...


Querido huésped, la Costa Tropical y lugares como Almuñécar, Castel de Ferro, Calahonda o La Herradura llevan décadas siendo el paraíso de los submarinistas, tanto por la riqueza de sus fondos marinos como por la belleza de los parajes naturales. Entre todas ellas hay que destacar La Herradura, ideal para el buceo por sus fondos transparentes.Las numerosas playas del litoral granadino se hallan separadas muchas veces (sobre todo en la zona de Almuñécar) con peñones y cerros más o menos abruptos....


Dear guest, the Cooperative de La Palma de Carchuna (Motril) is a 46-year-old fruit and vegetable cooperative characterized by housing one of the most technified and productive greenhouse areas in Spain.The roots of La Palma, as it is known locally, was found in a settlement town built in the late sixties in Carchuna, near Motril, within the framework of the Franco regime's hydraulic policy. There a town with a hundred houses was built, with its schools, crafts, a market and a church. The project...


Querido huésped, como ya sabe por una publicación anterior, Antequera es una localidad de la provincia de Málaga situada al norte de la provincia. Tiene unos 42.000 habitantes. A continuación vamos a hablar de los postres más típicos y también del mollete, producto por el que se conoce a Antequera en toda España.AlfajoresEl alfajor es un dulce de la repostería española, es una variedad de dulce típicamente navideño, propio de la cocina andaluza. Suele estar realizado a partir de una pasta...

Dear guest, the San Silvestre Ciudad de Motril night run is a sporting event that takes place in the Granada town of Motril that consists of two types of runs, one popular (for anyone) and the other competitive (for more prepared athletes) separated into different categories through the streets of this town of Granada. This run is not only held in Motril, but in several cities in Spain on the occasion of the end of the year, since December 31 is the day of San Silvestre. Last year it was held in Motril...


Dear guest, Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén Airport is a Spanish airport owned by Aena located between the municipalities of Chauchina and Santa Fe, both in the province of Granada, 17 kilometers northwest of the city.OriginGranada airport has its origin in Armilla, one of the oldest airports on the peninsula and currently a school for helicopter pilots.The first flights that took place in Armilla were in a static balloon around the year 1895, and the first flight by plane in 1911. The first...


Dear guest, Ronda is a Spanish municipality and town belonging to Andalusia, located in the northwest of the province of Malaga, about 100 kilometers from the city of Malaga. Its population is about 34,000.The city sits on a  cut plateau by a deep gorge excavated by the Guadalevín River, which overlooks the buildings of its historic center, which gives the city a picturesque panorama that, together with the variety of monuments it has, its Natural environment and its proximity to the great centers...


Dear guest, Antequera is a municipality located in the north of the province of Malaga with a population of 42,000. It is also a very important neuralgic and strategic point for the Andalusian region, since it is located in the center of Andalusia and the main roads of Andalusia pass through this municipality, those that connect Córdoba with Malaga and Seville with Granada.In 2016, its main monuments, the Dolmens and the natural spaces of El Torcal and Peña de los Enamorados were declared a UNESCO...


Dear guest, the Mediterranean highway or A-7 is a Spanish highway belonging to the State Roads Network that begins in Algeciras and ends in Barcelona. In the nomenclature of the European Road Network it is the Spanish section of the E-15. The highway is the responsibility of the Ministry of Development. The route of the highway is completed for the most part.As it passes through the province of Granada, the A-7 motorway connects the western coastal part of Andalusia with the eastern part. In the province...

Dear guest, the “Carretera de La Cabra” is one of the most beautiful roads in the province of Granada and on which many bikers circulate. The route runs along the old coastal highway, the national highway 323. From there you have to go to Almuñécar to take the popularly known as ‘Carretera de La Cabra’, which means “Goat road. This road runs through the municipalities of Jete to Otívar. The route continues through Padul until it reaches’ Puerto del Suspiro del Moro’. It can also be...


Dear guest, The Cabo de Gata-Níjar Maritime-Terrestrial Natural Park is a Spanish protected natural area located in the province of Almería, Andalusia. It is the first maritime-terrestrial park in Andalusia, created on December 23, 1987 to conserve its ecosystems natural and landscape values.The Cabo de Gata reserve is of volcanic origin. It has one of the most beautiful and ecologically rich coastal strips in the Western Mediterranean and an area of ​​38,000 hectares, to which must be added...

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