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Die berühmte Gewürzstände in GranadaSehr geehrter Gast, seit undenklichen Zeiten am Fuße eines der Türme der Kathedrale von Granada, genauer gesagt in der Calle Cárcel Baja, stehen berühmte Stände, an denen Gewürze aus aller Welt sowie aromatische Kräuter-, Wurzel- und Blattaufgüsse verkauft werden . Aus diesem Grund bleiben die traditionellen Stände und kleinen Läden, aus denen der Gewürzbasar von Granada besteht, nicht unbemerkt, wenn Sie um die Ecke der Kathedrale biegen.Die Cárcel...


Dear guest, Carnival is a celebration that takes place days before Ash Wednesday, indicating the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar, hence its name carnem levare or remove the meat. It represents one of the funniest festivities in Spain, especially in Andalusia, where hundreds of groups and chirigotas get each year ready for their great week of celebration. For those who have never heard of chirigotas, it consists of musical groups that during carnivals sing verses or songs that under a humorous...


Dear guest, Granada is one of the Spanish cities with the most Arab influence. That is why the streets give off an incomparable air that attracts millions of tourists every year. One of the greatest signs of the time that Muslims spent in Granada are undoubtedly the teahouses that fill the city.It is said that the tea can be taken in both winter and summer. According to Arab culture, in winter it warms us up and in summer it regulates our interior temperature, preventing us from feeling extreme heat....


Dear guest, the new exterior variant of Granada A-44, which with 27.3 kilometers will alleviate the current ring road of this Andalusian province capital, has recently entered service after a global investment of 340 million euros and some works that have been extended in the different sections over thirteen years.The new exterior variant, which becomes part of the A-44 highway that connects Sierra Nevada and the Costa Tropical and improves the corridor that goes from Bailén (Jaén) to Motril (Granada),...


Dear guest, the Iberian ibex, Spanish ibex, Spanish wild goat, or Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica) is a species of ibex with four subspecies. Of these, two can still be found on the Iberian Peninsula, but the remaining two are now extinct. The Portuguese subspecies became extinct in 1892 and the Pyrenean subspecies became extinct in 2000. An ongoing project to clone to the Pyrenean subspecies resulted in one clone being born alive in July 2003. This is the first taxon to...


Querido huésped, el Paraje Natural Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo es un paraje natural situado entre los municipios de Nerja (Málaga) y Almuñécar (Granada). Este paraje forma una estrecha franja paralela a la costa, que tiene doce kilómetros de ancho y penetra una milla en el interior del  mar. Tierra adentro está limitada por el eje viario de la carretera N-340.Este paraje se caracteriza principalmente por presentar abruptos y espectaculares acantilados, de hasta 75 m de desnivel, entre...


Dear guest, gazpachuelo is one of the most traditional recipes in Malaga, of which you can find many versions such as seafood in gazpachuelo and creamy fish soup. The Malagan gazpachuelo has its origin among the fishermen of the region. These made a fish soup to which they added potatoes and added flavor by incorporating garlic mayonnaise to the whole. In many households it is accompanied by whipped or cooked egg white, white fish and clams, always trying to keep the white color that characterizes...


Dear guest, flamenco is a way of life, and it is not as particular anywhere as it is in Granada. In fact, it even has its own name: the zambra which it is groups of songs and typical dances that symbolize moments of the Calé wedding. In the flamenco caves in Granada you can find the most authentic and pure culture of the Spanish gypsies who sing and dance flamenco.Sacromonte, together with Albaicín, treasure an authentic expression of flamenco tablao. Two places where this Moorish tradition so characteristic...


Dear guest, flamenco is part of the culture of Spain. It is probably the most international artistic representation of Spanish culture, considered Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010, it is still very much alive today. Flamenco is music, song and dance.The long list of artists as the best flamenco singers, attest that it is in Spain where the cradle of this musical genre is found, which is already part of Spanish culture.Maximum exponentsCamarón de la IslaJosé Monje Cruz was...


Dear guest, this route starts at the Parque de la Fuente de Salobreña in the direction of Supermecado Día, we start the road through the Meadow of Salobreña, until we reach the wall of the river.We take the direction of the sea and arrive at the bridge that will allow us to pass to the other side of the river. We return to the beach and continue walking along the same sand of the beach to Los Moriscos Golf Club. We continue walking through the sand and we pass by the wall of Villa Astrida, the...


Sehr geehrter Gast, die porra antequerana ist eine typische kalte Suppe aus Antequera, eine andalusischen Stadt in der Provinz von Malaga (Spanien). Dieses Gericht, ähnlich dem Cordoban Salmorejo und römischer Ursprung, besteht aus Tomaten, abgestandenem Brot, Olivenöl, Salz, rotem Pfeffer, Weißweinessig und Knoblauch.Der Ursprung des Rezepts stammt aus dem Römischen Reich, wo die Bauern es zubereiteten, indem sie mit einem Stein in Form eines Schlagstocks auf die in einer Holzschale abgelegten...


Dear guest, if you are from countries like the United Kingdom, you will be used to the fact that most supermarkets open on Sundays at least until 4:00 p.m., but in Spain this is not the case.Specifically on the Costa Tropical, you will only find a few establishments that open on Sundays. Below I detail which establishment they are.CoviranIt is located in Salobreña, more specifically in Calle Granada 5. It opens every day from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. It is a common supermarket like LIDL or Mercadona...

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