By Grandes Villas SL


avatar Grandes Villas SL 6 years ago

Uniqueness of the Costa Tropical


This part of the Andalusian coast is especially spectacular, because it combines mountain with ocean view, thanks to the proximity to the world famous Sierra Nevada mountain range. Within almost just a one hour drive visitors can enjoy hiking, skiing, cycling and relaxing beach holidays. Yes, you've heard right, skiing! In Southern Spain! The close-by Sierra Nevada is a popular snow-rich skiing destination with mountains of over 3000meter high. Mount Mulhacén being the highest with 3478 meters. Andalsuian style towns, architecture, food and culture are everywhere. Most Spanish stereotypes are home to this place with one of Europe's warmest climates, very open &friendly people and a place where the Spanish siesta is still a celebrated custom. You haven't visited the real most authentic Spain if you haven't been here. Come and enjoy this beautiful place and stay in the villa of your dreams.
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