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Dear guests, in this post we are going to talk about the Rio Chillar. It is a hiking route to do in the municipality of Nerja.Nerja is a municipality in the province of Malaga and belongs to the Axarquia region. It is famous for its beaches, for the Caves of Nerja, also for a television series filmed in Nerja. But today we are going to talk about the hiking route also famous in the town.  Frist of all, you have to take the N-340 road to Nerja in the direction of Almeria and after crossing the...


Dear guest, if you are passionate about history, learning, you have to visit the museums of Granada. Granada has a great variety of museums, due to its long history.We are going to describe you the most important museums in Granada, as well as their location and how to enter them.The most important ones are;Parque de las Ciencias, El museo de la Capillas Real, Museo de Bellas Artes, Museo de la Alhambra and Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico.The Parque de las Ciencias, as its name suggests, is a science...


En los últimos años la demanda de las frutas tropicales en nuestra comarca se ha incrementado en unos porcentajes muy grandes. Málaga y Granada se han convertido en uno de los suministradores por excelencia de todo el mundo debido a sus ventajas competitivas, el cual ofrece una mejor calidad que las frutas tropicales que provienen de Sudamérica. Hasta hace 50 años el cultivo de caña de azúcar era el predominante en Granada y la costa malagueña. Las últimas fábricas de la caña de azúcar...


   Dear guests, in this post we move to a town of Granada, Baza. Baza is located in the centre of the province of Granada. It is bordered by the Granada municipalities of Caniles, Cúllar, Zújar, Freila, Guadix, etc. Baza currently has a population of 20,430 inhabitants.Now that we have introduced the town where the Cascamorras is celebrated, we are going to explain what the Cascamorras is. The Cascamorras is a festival of "International Tourist Interest" .There are different versions of...


Queridos huéspedes en este post os hablamos de las distintas rutas de senderismo para hacer en Granada. -          Ruta de Los Cahorros. Esta ruta tiene una distancia de 8 kilómetros, está situada en el pueblo de Monachil que se encuentra a 15 minutos de la ciudad de Granada. Es una ruta desconocida por los turistas en la que se puede disfrutar de unas vista alucinantes, se puede practicar escalada y de piscinas naturales. -         ...


Dear Guest,Tik tok is a social media created in China where you can share different kind of videos. You can upload a huge variety of short videos from three seconds to a minute. It is an international version of the chinese social media Douyin. It was created in 2017 for Android and iOS systems. But it was in 2018 when it became a part of another social media and it started to be an international social network. We have improve our company with the use of tik tok, where you, our beloved customers...


Dear guest, the night of Saint John, which we can also find named the San Juan night or Saint John´s eve. It is a religious tradition in where the birth of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated. It is celebrated on June 24th, celebrating the arrival of the summer solstice at the same time. The summer solstice is when the days begin to be shorter.This tradition is established in the European-Mediterranean countries, and it has been maintained for a long time. Nowadays it has become the night of change...


Dear guest, the Río Verde gully is part of the Sierra de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama Natural Park, whose peaks form the natural border between the provinces of Granada and Malaga. Getting to it is not difficult, but it requires crossing a private country estate. Hence, there is an access control and, currently, the Cooperative, Agricultural and Livestock Society of Campo de Cázulas charges an entry of five euros per person and another five per vehicle.From the entrance gate to the parking of the...


Sehr geehrter Gast, das plato alpujarreño ist ein typisches Gericht aus La Alpujarra, sowohl der Teil von Granada als auch der von Almeria.Das plato alpujarreño umfasst die repräsentativsten Produkte der Region: Blutwurst, Paprika, Chorizo, Kartoffeln mit Spiegeleiern und Serrano-Schinken aus La Alpujarra, je nach Region unterschiedlich.Ihre Erfindung ist unklar. Die Einfachheit seiner Herstellung hat es jedoch zu einem der beliebtesten in der Region gemacht.Als nächstes werde ich Ihnen erklären,...


Querido huésped, el Parque Natural de las Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama, de 40 662 hectáreas de extensión, está situado sobre los relieves montañosos de las sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y de la comaraca de Alhama, entre las provincias de Granada y Málaga, ejerciendo de frontera natural entre ellas, en el sur de España. Es de dirección aproximadamente noroeste a sureste y llega hasta el mar en la zona del Paraje Natural los Acantilados de Maro – Cerro Gordo.Las Sierras de Tejeda y Almijara...


Die berühmte Gewürzstände in GranadaSehr geehrter Gast, seit undenklichen Zeiten am Fuße eines der Türme der Kathedrale von Granada, genauer gesagt in der Calle Cárcel Baja, stehen berühmte Stände, an denen Gewürze aus aller Welt sowie aromatische Kräuter-, Wurzel- und Blattaufgüsse verkauft werden . Aus diesem Grund bleiben die traditionellen Stände und kleinen Läden, aus denen der Gewürzbasar von Granada besteht, nicht unbemerkt, wenn Sie um die Ecke der Kathedrale biegen.Die Cárcel...


Dear guest, Granada is one of the Spanish cities with the most Arab influence. That is why the streets give off an incomparable air that attracts millions of tourists every year. One of the greatest signs of the time that Muslims spent in Granada are undoubtedly the teahouses that fill the city.It is said that the tea can be taken in both winter and summer. According to Arab culture, in winter it warms us up and in summer it regulates our interior temperature, preventing us from feeling extreme heat....

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