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Dear guests, in this post we are going to move to the village of Nerja. Nerja is a town in the province of Malaga and the easternmost town in the Axarquia region, situated on the coast of Malaga almost on the border with the province of Granada. Nerja has a population of around 22.000 inhabitants of which a third are foreigners. The Balcon de Europa is situated in this magnificent coastal town, more precisely in the centre of the city. It was named after King Alfonso XII during one of his visits...


After all the events that took place the previous years, it seems that we are going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s why we are going to discard some of our services (due to closure for a few months) but we have something even better for you. We are going to offer paella and sangría now.We have several menus which main is paella:• Mixed Paella (meat and seafood)• Seafood paella (fish and seafood)• Paella Negra (Black paella fish and seafood, bathed in calamari ink)• Paella...


En el pueblo de Torrox perteneciente a la provincia de Málaga. Que se encuentra al pie de las sierras de Tejeda y Almijara. Este pueblo cuenta con una infinidad de festejos pero uno de los más característicos y al que se debe este post es al día de las migas.Las migas son un plato tradicional en España pero en especial en Torrox. Este plato se compone de ajos, harina de sémola, sal. Aunque tiene componentes sencillos servía para alimentar a la gente que trabajaba en el campo.Esta celebración...


Dear guests, Almuñecar aquarium is found in Almuñecar´s city which it is located in the Granada´s coast. Is is right next to the last town in Malaga, Nerja.The Aquarium is located 500 meters from Saint Cristobal’s beach. This aquarium is the largest one in Andalucia.We will be able to find a huge variety of flora and fauna. It is the perfect plan to spend some family time and do all the activities availables in the aquarium, like enjoying the spray painture that has more the 200 square meters. There...


The Maro-Cerro Gordo Nature Reserve is located in Maro, a Nerja’s town. It is located on the border between Malaga and Granada.This area is characterized by its cliffs, where there is a drop of up to 250 meters that is due to the erosion of the sea. As well as its magnificent coves and beaches.As regards marine fauna, it is fully protected. We can find fish that is not seen in another part of the world and where the fishing is totally prohibited.Regarding the flora, it has a Mediterranean vegetation,...


Dear guest, if you ever visit Torre del Mar or Vélez Málaga, you can’t forget to visit this shopping center. You will be able to find a huge variety of things which we will explain below.The shopping center is located next to the exit of the Velez Málaga highway towards Av. Del Rey Juan Carlos I, 18, 29700 Vélez-Málaga, Málaga.There are two floors of shops, technology, cinemas, restaurants, leisure area…. Which covers an area of 43,228 m2 and a total of 114 restaurants and shops. Among its...


Dear guest, the Tabernas Desert Natural Park is located north of the city of Almería, between the Filabres and Alhamilla mountains, which isolate it from the humid currents of the nearby Mediterranean Sea. It occupies an area of ​​280 square kilometers and has a height above sea level between 260 and 952 meters. It is located between the municipalities of Tabernas, Gádor, Santa Cruz de Marchena, Alboloduy and Gérgal. It presents rills, slopes, watercourses and dry riverbeds, desert and desolation....


Уважаемые гости,Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, чтобы делать это, как многие птицы, и летать зимой на юг? Ну, по крайней мере, я хотел бы дать вам несколько веских причин, почему вы можете сделать именно это.Природа Costa Tropical процветает в «зимние» месяцы и весной. Перелетные...


Die Costa Tropical mit ihren einzigartigen Küstenstädten Salobreña, Almuñécar und La Herradura verfügt über eine moderne Infrastruktur und ist über die Autobahn (meist wenig Verkehr) bequem zu erreichen.Flughafen MálagaIm Westen verläuft die Autobahn A7 entlang der romantischen Küste der Costa del Sol (Provinz Málaga), die zunächst flach und dann immer bergiger ist, wenn Sie sich der noch unberührteren Costa Tropical nähern. Viele belebte Touristenorte wie z.B. Torre Del Mar, Torrox...


La playa de Mónsul, quizás, la playa más famosa del Cabo de Gata en Almería, gracias haber sido escenario de numerosas películas, videoclips y anuncios (Lawence de Arabia, En busca del arca perdida, el Hombre que perdió su sombre, videoclips del cantante David Bisbal). Su forma singular debido a restos de formación volcánica la hacen única.Está compuesta de arena fina grisácea que hace muy placentero su acceso y disfrute.  Está dominada por dunas y en el centro tiene una lengua de...


L’ARRIVÉE À LA COSTA TROPICAL EST UN VOYAGE. UN BEAU VOYAGE.Aéroport de Malaga:    1 heure           (~ 98 km)Aéroport de Grenade:  55 minutes    (~ 80 km)La Costa Tropical, avec ses villes côtières uniques, Salobreña, Almuñecar et La Herradura, est facilement accessible par des autoroutes modernes. L’autoroute A7, à l’ouest (Málaga), vous mène longe la côte romantique de la Costa del Sol, qui est d’abord plate, puis de...


PAELLA.png 481.9 KBWould you like to try the authentic Spanish paella? Grandes Villas's team knows this is one of the experiences most of the guests are looking forward to experiencing when they come to Spain, this is why, we put at your disposal a fantastic team of chefs who are specialised in preparing paellas. If there is something that characterizes our cooks is that they like to cook only with the freshest products. To this end, María goes to the municipal market in the morning, where she makes...

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