Our Magazine


After all the events that took place the previous years, it seems that we are going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s why we are going to discard some of our services (due to closure for a few months) but we have something even better for you. We are going to offer paella and sangría now.We have several menus which main is paella:• Mixed Paella (meat and seafood)• Seafood paella (fish and seafood)• Paella Negra (Black paella fish and seafood, bathed in calamari ink)• Paella...


En el pueblo de Torrox perteneciente a la provincia de Málaga. Que se encuentra al pie de las sierras de Tejeda y Almijara. Este pueblo cuenta con una infinidad de festejos pero uno de los más característicos y al que se debe este post es al día de las migas.Las migas son un plato tradicional en España pero en especial en Torrox. Este plato se compone de ajos, harina de sémola, sal. Aunque tiene componentes sencillos servía para alimentar a la gente que trabajaba en el campo.Esta celebración...


Sehr geehrter Gast, die porra antequerana ist eine typische kalte Suppe aus Antequera, eine andalusischen Stadt in der Provinz von Malaga (Spanien). Dieses Gericht, ähnlich dem Cordoban Salmorejo und römischer Ursprung, besteht aus Tomaten, abgestandenem Brot, Olivenöl, Salz, rotem Pfeffer, Weißweinessig und Knoblauch.Der Ursprung des Rezepts stammt aus dem Römischen Reich, wo die Bauern es zubereiteten, indem sie mit einem Stein in Form eines Schlagstocks auf die in einer Holzschale abgelegten...


Dear guest, if you are from countries like the United Kingdom, you will be used to the fact that most supermarkets open on Sundays at least until 4:00 p.m., but in Spain this is not the case.Specifically on the Costa Tropical, you will only find a few establishments that open on Sundays. Below I detail which establishment they are.CoviranIt is located in Salobreña, more specifically in Calle Granada 5. It opens every day from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. It is a common supermarket like LIDL or Mercadona...


Dear guest, the Mahalo Poké network is characterized by establishments dedicated to poké, a traditional Hawaiian recipe that is served in a bowl with a base of rice, quinoa or mezclum (a mixture of lettuces), a protein supplement and different natural toppings. Its CEO is Borja España.The word "mahalo" means "thank you" in the Hawaiian language and it is precisely this gratitude to nature for the products it provides that makes Mahalo Poké go for fresh and natural ingredients. In addition, they...

Dear guest, the Tourism Area of ​​the Salobreña City Council completes the offer of guided tours in the municipality including a visit to an ecological farm of subtropical fruits located in the area of ​​Los Matagallares.The ecological farm is located in the Matagallares area and is owned by Juan Carlos Vinuesa, who has been practicing this type of cultivation for two years. Vinuesa made a guided tour and explained the type of fruits that are grown (avocado, custard apple, guava, mango and...

Querido huésped, Zarcillo Restaurante Gourmet es un restaurante ubicado en la localidad granadina de Motril que destaca por el toque innovador en sus platos: elegante y moderno, revolucionario y de producto, con platos vanguardistas con base sencilla y de la tierra, quisquilla, mango, aguacate, ron de caña. Dos jóvenes al frente de todo: Manuel Ortega en sala y Álvaro García en la cocina. Ellos han logrado que el Paseo de las Explanadas de esa localidad sea un lugar de peregrinación culinaria....


Dear guest, the Cooperative de La Palma de Carchuna (Motril) is a 46-year-old fruit and vegetable cooperative characterized by housing one of the most technified and productive greenhouse areas in Spain.The roots of La Palma, as it is known locally, was found in a settlement town built in the late sixties in Carchuna, near Motril, within the framework of the Franco regime's hydraulic policy. There a town with a hundred houses was built, with its schools, crafts, a market and a church. The project...


Dear guest, the mango is an exquisite tropical fruit that is produced at the highest level on the Costa Tropical of Granada. They know a lot about this at "Mangos del Cielo", a family business from Motril that has been producing excellent quality mangoes for 25 years and which were pioneers in marketing their products through online shopping.Nowadays they also produce tropical fruits such as cherimoya, avocados ...Located in the heart of the Costa Tropical is the Finca el Portichuelo. This is how...


Dear guest, surely you have heard about the extraordinary tropical fruits such as mango, avocado, custard apple or guava among others, which grow in the territory called Costa Tropical with an extraordinary climate. They are tropical fruits that are found in this area as the only place in Europe where they grow.Regarding the data on exports of this type of fruit in 2019, these data are extremely high. Thus, the commercialization of subtropical fruits has registered its best figure in history, having...


PAELLA.png 481.9 KBWould you like to try the authentic Spanish paella? Grandes Villas's team knows this is one of the experiences most of the guests are looking forward to experiencing when they come to Spain, this is why, we put at your disposal a fantastic team of chefs who are specialised in preparing paellas. If there is something that characterizes our cooks is that they like to cook only with the freshest products. To this end, María goes to the municipal market in the morning, where she makes...

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