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Sehr geehrter Gast, die porra antequerana ist eine typische kalte Suppe aus Antequera, eine andalusischen Stadt in der Provinz von Malaga (Spanien). Dieses Gericht, ähnlich dem Cordoban Salmorejo und römischer Ursprung, besteht aus Tomaten, abgestandenem Brot, Olivenöl, Salz, rotem Pfeffer, Weißweinessig und Knoblauch.Der Ursprung des Rezepts stammt aus dem Römischen Reich, wo die Bauern es zubereiteten, indem sie mit einem Stein in Form eines Schlagstocks auf die in einer Holzschale abgelegten...


Dear guest, the N-340 road (or Mediterranean road) is the longest of the national roads in Spain. It connects Puerto Real in Cádiz with Barcelona along the entire coast of the Spanish Mediterranean, crossing ten provinces. The N-340 road also has a European nomenclature: E-5 in the Vejer de la Frontera-Algeciras section. At 1,248 km it was the longest national highway in the country. The N-340 has been unfolded and converted into a dual carriageway, becoming called A-7, except between Puerto...


El Paraje Natural Torcal de Antequera, situado en la zona centro de la provincia de Málaga, elevado por encima de la ciudad de Antequera y en el arco calizo de las Subbéticas, constituye uno de los mejores y más espectaculares ejemplos de relieve cárstico de toda Europa. Toma su nombre de sus formas más comunes y conocidas, las torcas o dolinas, pequeñas depresiones circulares de fondo plano que se van rellenando con los residuos más resistentes a la actividad erosiva del agua, arcilla de descalcificación...


Querido huésped, como ya sabe por una publicación anterior, Antequera es una localidad de la provincia de Málaga situada al norte de la provincia. Tiene unos 42.000 habitantes. A continuación vamos a hablar de los postres más típicos y también del mollete, producto por el que se conoce a Antequera en toda España.AlfajoresEl alfajor es un dulce de la repostería española, es una variedad de dulce típicamente navideño, propio de la cocina andaluza. Suele estar realizado a partir de una pasta...


Dear guest, Ronda is a Spanish municipality and town belonging to Andalusia, located in the northwest of the province of Malaga, about 100 kilometers from the city of Malaga. Its population is about 34,000.The city sits on a  cut plateau by a deep gorge excavated by the Guadalevín River, which overlooks the buildings of its historic center, which gives the city a picturesque panorama that, together with the variety of monuments it has, its Natural environment and its proximity to the great centers...


Dear guest, Antequera is a municipality located in the north of the province of Malaga with a population of 42,000. It is also a very important neuralgic and strategic point for the Andalusian region, since it is located in the center of Andalusia and the main roads of Andalusia pass through this municipality, those that connect Córdoba with Malaga and Seville with Granada.In 2016, its main monuments, the Dolmens and the natural spaces of El Torcal and Peña de los Enamorados were declared a UNESCO...


Dear guest, the Mediterranean highway or A-7 is a Spanish highway belonging to the State Roads Network that begins in Algeciras and ends in Barcelona. In the nomenclature of the European Road Network it is the Spanish section of the E-15. The highway is the responsibility of the Ministry of Development. The route of the highway is completed for the most part.As it passes through the province of Granada, the A-7 motorway connects the western coastal part of Andalusia with the eastern part. In the province...


Dear guest, Malaga - Costa del Sol airport is located in the district of Churriana, 8 kilometers away from the city of Malaga. It is the fourth airport in Spain in terms of air traffic.Due to its high growth in recent years, a second runway was added that can be used during the days of greater air traffic to speed up traffic.It is an airport with domestic and international flights, connecting with more than one hundred European cities, Russia, North Africa and North America.Of the three Spanish aerodromes...

Dear guest, when you visit the Spanish Costa Tropical you want to have a good access to our villas by car from the different airports (Granada and Malaga), not too much traffic, good parking places and an easy drive.The access from Malaga airport is really good taking the A-7 highway. The distance from Malaga to Salobreña is 100 km and you just take around an hour to get to Salobreña by car. It has been built the new highway A-7 just 7 years ago that connects Malaga to Almeria and you can drive...


The Spectacular Spanish Easter: a brief explanation about this wonderful celebration The Easter is one of the most important spring celebrations in Spain. It remembers the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It has a special way to be dramatized in Spain. It usually starts on the Palm Sunday, but other cities like Sevilla starts a couple of days before. It consists of a procession set up by guide cross, flanked by lanterns and followed by rows of Nazarenes or penitents with candles. Behind...


De Costa Tropical met zijn unieke kuststeden Salobreña, Almuñécar en La Herradura heeft een moderne infrastructuur en is gemakkelijk bereikbaar via de snelweg (meestal weinig verkeer).Malaga luchthavenIn het westen loopt de snelweg A7 langs de romantische kust van de Costa del Sol (provincie Málaga), die aanvankelijk vlak en toenemend bergachtig is naarmate u de nog ongerepte Costa Tropical nadert. Veel drukke toeristische plaatsen zoals Torre Del Mar, Torrox de la Costa en Nerja (Balkon van Europa)...

Dear fellow traveler,I hope you are ready for exploration, because Andalusia has so many incdredible places to see, smell and feel. The historic city centre of Málaga with its cosy alleys is just one of them!You should definitely not miss out on this beautiful city with its mundane seafront. It is located within just an one hour drive from the Costa Tropical (Granada). Málaga is also where the major regional airport “Aeropuerto de Málaga” is located.Spending several hours or even a whole day...

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