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Spanish, like any language, has a multitude of expressions that add color and richness to communication. Here are ten commonly used expressions in Spanish:¡Hola! - Hello!¿Cómo estás? - How are you?¡Gracias! - Thank you!Por favor - PleaseLo siento - I'm sorry¿Qué tal? - How's it going? / What's up?¡Salud! - Cheers! (Literally means "health")¡Buena suerte! - Good luck!¡Buen provecho! - Enjoy your meal!¡Hasta luego! - See you later!These expressions are versatile and can be used in various...

Estimado cliente,Lamentamos la situación que hemos experimentando debido a un fenómeno atmosférico nunca visto a este nivel en España. El país completo fue cubierto por una espesa capa de arena proveniente del Desierto del Sahara. Rara vez, tenemos lluvia con barro. Sin embargo, la situación ocurrida es totalmente excepcional. Esto es un problema adverso al alquiler y espero comprendan no es culpa de una mala gestión. Es un problema que ha ocurrido en todas las casas. Nosotros vamos...


Dear guests, in this post we are going to talk about some activities that you will make your stay in Salobrena more fun. First of all the activity we are going to talk about is PaintBall. PaintBall is a sporting activity that it has been in fashion for a few years now. It is an adult activity in which a large number of people can participate. It consists of imitating a war between two sides, both of which carry weapons with paintballs. The winner is the team that has one player left without receiving...


En los últimos años la demanda de las frutas tropicales en nuestra comarca se ha incrementado en unos porcentajes muy grandes. Málaga y Granada se han convertido en uno de los suministradores por excelencia de todo el mundo debido a sus ventajas competitivas, el cual ofrece una mejor calidad que las frutas tropicales que provienen de Sudamérica. Hasta hace 50 años el cultivo de caña de azúcar era el predominante en Granada y la costa malagueña. Las últimas fábricas de la caña de azúcar...


Dear Guest,Tik tok is a social media created in China where you can share different kind of videos. You can upload a huge variety of short videos from three seconds to a minute. It is an international version of the chinese social media Douyin. It was created in 2017 for Android and iOS systems. But it was in 2018 when it became a part of another social media and it started to be an international social network. We have improve our company with the use of tik tok, where you, our beloved customers...


Dear Guest, Torre del Mar, a southern town in Málaga, Spain. This town belongs to the municipality of Vélez Málaga. It is located 30 minutes away from Salobreña and 30 minutes away from the capital (Málaga). It is a huge town whom population is three times bigger in summer because of the tourism. Hospitality is the main source of profits. Torre del Mar has huge amount of attractions that tourists can take advantage of.Torre del Mar´s beaches are certified as one of the best in Spain, where you...

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