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Dear guest, Granada is one of the Spanish cities with the most Arab influence. That is why the streets give off an incomparable air that attracts millions of tourists every year. One of the greatest signs of the time that Muslims spent in Granada are undoubtedly the teahouses that fill the city.It is said that the tea can be taken in both winter and summer. According to Arab culture, in winter it warms us up and in summer it regulates our interior temperature, preventing us from feeling extreme heat....


Dear guest, the new exterior variant of Granada A-44, which with 27.3 kilometers will alleviate the current ring road of this Andalusian province capital, has recently entered service after a global investment of 340 million euros and some works that have been extended in the different sections over thirteen years.The new exterior variant, which becomes part of the A-44 highway that connects Sierra Nevada and the Costa Tropical and improves the corridor that goes from Bailén (Jaén) to Motril (Granada),...


Dear guest, flamenco is a way of life, and it is not as particular anywhere as it is in Granada. In fact, it even has its own name: the zambra which it is groups of songs and typical dances that symbolize moments of the Calé wedding. In the flamenco caves in Granada you can find the most authentic and pure culture of the Spanish gypsies who sing and dance flamenco.Sacromonte, together with Albaicín, treasure an authentic expression of flamenco tablao. Two places where this Moorish tradition so characteristic...

Dear guest, Granada is surrounded by large and different mountains. The province of Granada is home to a great diversity of natural spaces, including a national park and five natural parks, along with numerous places of rich environmental value. With all these mountains, Granada has a large number and variety of climbing sports schools or large walls for classical climbing, which is a way of climbing in which the belays are recoverable, with which, in the case of this route , we find few fixed insurance...


Querido huésped, el puerto de Motril-Granada​ es un puerto comercial, pesquero y deportivo situado en el municipio de Motril (Granada, España). Es la Capitanía de la provincia marítima de Granada (GR-1). Está gestionado por la Autoridad Portuaria de Motril y está considerado uno de los Puertos de Interés General del Estado.Construcción y reformas más importantesEl puerto comenzó a construirse en 1980 con el objetivo de exportar caña de azúcar, sal y azúcar. Las gestiones para reactivar...

Dear guest, the route Haza del Lino is one of the best known and most frequented routes by bikers and cyclists. This route has numerous curves and spectacular views of the coast (including Africa).The route runs from Granada to Haza del Lino, it is about 88 km long and the maximum height reached is 1300 meters.The route starts from Granada towards Motril on the A-44 highway. After passing the Beznar reservoir, take the Lanjarón - Alpujarras diversion, leaving the highway to take the A-348 regional...


Dear guest, Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén Airport is a Spanish airport owned by Aena located between the municipalities of Chauchina and Santa Fe, both in the province of Granada, 17 kilometers northwest of the city.OriginGranada airport has its origin in Armilla, one of the oldest airports on the peninsula and currently a school for helicopter pilots.The first flights that took place in Armilla were in a static balloon around the year 1895, and the first flight by plane in 1911. The first...


Dear guest, the Mediterranean highway or A-7 is a Spanish highway belonging to the State Roads Network that begins in Algeciras and ends in Barcelona. In the nomenclature of the European Road Network it is the Spanish section of the E-15. The highway is the responsibility of the Ministry of Development. The route of the highway is completed for the most part.As it passes through the province of Granada, the A-7 motorway connects the western coastal part of Andalusia with the eastern part. In the province...


Querido huésped, en este post vamos a hablar un poco de historia. Hablaremos sobre los monarcas que hicieron posible la conquista de Granada, los Reyes Católicos, cuya unión al conformar las dos coronas más importantes de la Península Ibérica (Castilla y Aragón) de aquel momento, dio forma a la primera potencia transoceánica de la historia moderna. Hay que tener en cuenta que a finales del siglo XV, España no era un país como tal, sino una sucesión de reinos. Por lo que hay que darle una...


Querido huésped, desde que fuera la residencia de los reyes nazaríes en el S.XI, la Alhambra de Granada ha ido encandilando a visitantes de todas las épocas, siendo declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1984. Romances, traiciones, pasiones e intrigas se vivieron entre sus muros relatando la historia del esplendor y caída de un reino. A continuación le dejo las leyendas más famosas sobre la Alhambra de Granada. Leyenda de El Reloj de SolSobre el conjunto palaciego...


Dear guest, The Three Kings parade is a typical float parade that take place  in Spanish cities in which the Three Wise Men (Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar) and their pages and helpers throw candies and sweets to children on January 5, it is say on the eve of the feast of Epiphany.The first representation is the Cabalgata de Reyes Magos of Alcoy, which was documented in 1866. Due to circumstances of the time, it was not until 1885 that it is represented continuously to this day. In 1912, a parade...


Dear guest, below I will detail the main attractions during Christmas in Granada. If you are in one of our villas during these dates, I advise you to visit the city of Granada one day. There are several attractions during Christmas. CHRISTMAS MARKETS IN GRANADA Granada already has enough artisan markets throughout the year. That is why I recommend that you get lost in the streets of Granada to find many of these markets that will surely attract your attention.Where will we find Christmas...

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